Company Internal Training

You can book this seminar as company internal training. We can conduct the seminar either in person at your location or online.


Do you know that your software loses quality throughout the course of development? That changes and the implementation of new features becomes more and more difficult and the comprehensibility of the software decreases? That the changes to the code lead to unwanted side effects? Prevent the slow decay of the inner code quality of your software and fight the so-called software entropy!

In this training, you will experience how to write code that is not only working, but also easily understandable, maintainable, extensible and robust. You will learn principles and practices that ensure a high internal code quality and how to make your software product fit for the challenges of the future. You'll learn what it takes to be a Software Craftsman.

Together with an experienced trainer, you will go through the principles and practices of clean code development and learn how to identify and improve code smells using concrete examples. You will gain confidence in applying what you have learned by comparing and discussing your solutions with the other participants and the trainer.

Many exercises in this training involve hands-on programming. Of course you are of course welcome to use your own laptop in your familiar working environment. The practical excercises can be done in the programming languages Java, C++ or C#.

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  • Basic experience in software development in Java, C++ or C#
  • Basic knowledge of object-oriented principles

Funding Opportunities and Educational Leave

We are a member of Weiterbildung Hamburg e.V.! Information about this, as well as which federal state you can get educational leave from us, and what funding opportunities are available for open seminars, can be found here. If interested, please contact


We take responsibility for the environment through sustainable, holistic action. This is one of our core values at oose. For us, this means critically questioning every aspect of our actions as a company and focusing on sustainable business practices rather than short-term profits. That's why oose is a partner in the UmweltPartnerschaft Hamburg and certified by ÖKOPROFIT®.