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Model-based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is a key technology for successful system development. The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) anticipated in its “Vision 2025” that it will become the standard in systems engineering. The current “Vision 2035” further emphasizes the importance of MBSE 

Training and Practice 

You learn and experience the methodical basics of model-based system development in a compact, practice-oriented training course. This includes a thorough treatment of the standard OMG Systems Modeling Language (OMG SysML), but you will also receive valuable first-hand tips for practical implementation. We are co-developers of SysML and actively involved in numerous MBSE projects.  

Based on the universal modeling methodology SYSMOD (Systems Modeling Toolbox), the training leads you from the system idea and use cases to the requirements and then to the system architecture. You will apply all these practices in a realistic case study. The model is created in small groups gathered around flipcharts and meta plan walls. Comparing the results of the different groups typically leads to engaging and enlightening discussions. Your trainer will show you in common SysML tools how models are implemented in the tool. 

Certification Preparation 

The one-day preparation course for the OCSMP Model User Certificate rounds off the seminar on the last day. You will receive an internationally recognized confirmation that you have sound knowledge in the field of model-based systems engineering. In this training, we will prepare you for the OCSMP Model User exam and conduct the exam with you. You will immediately receive the result of the examination. oose is co-developer of the OCSMP certification and can optimally prepare you for the examination. 

  • Your path to certification

    For in-person seminars, the 135-minute exam for the OCSMP Model User is held immediately afterward in our own test center. For online training, you can choose the exam date yourself. All information regarding this will be provided after registration.

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This training is aimed at Systems Engineers and System Architects. The trainer can tailor this seminar to different target groups from beginners to experienced systems engineers. For this purpose, the training documents contain some optional basic and advanced components. 

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Company Internal Training

You can book this seminar as company internal training. We can conduct the seminar either in person at your location or online.


We take responsibility for the environment through sustainable, holistic action. This is one of our core values at oose. For us, this means critically questioning every aspect of our actions as a company and focusing on sustainable business practices rather than short-term profits. That's why oose is a partner in the UmweltPartnerschaft Hamburg and certified by ÖKOPROFIT®.

Funding Opportunities and Educational Leave

We are a member of Weiterbildung Hamburg e.V.! Information about this, as well as which federal state you can get educational leave from us, and what funding opportunities are available for open seminars, can be found here. If interested, please contact